Unlocking the Power of Functional Fragrances While You Sleep

Unlocking the Power of Functional Fragrances While You Sleep

Oct 18, 2023Anthony Tori

The sense of smell is often overlooked, perhaps the most underrated among our senses. According to Michael Leon, a neurobiologist at the University of California, Irvine, if you were to ask people which sense they'd be most willing to sacrifice, the olfactory system would likely top the list. However, the loss of one's sense of smell has been linked to various health complications, including depression and cognitive decline.

There is mounting evidence suggesting that olfactory training, where individuals deliberately expose themselves to strong scents regularly, may help mitigate this decline. A team of researchers led by Michael Leon has achieved remarkable results by exposing individuals to odors while they sleep. In a study involving twenty participants, all of whom were over 60 years old and generally in good health, they received six months of overnight olfactory enrichment. The outcome was a significant improvement in their ability to recall lists of words compared to a control group. This groundbreaking study was published in Frontiers in Neuroscience.

The exact mechanisms behind how overnight odors produce these cognitive enhancements remain uncertain. Nevertheless, Leon points out that neurons responsible for the sense of smell have direct and efficient connections to brain regions associated with memory and emotion. The treated participants in the study exhibited physical changes in a brain structure that links memory and emotional centers, a connection that often deteriorates with age, particularly in individuals with Alzheimer's disease.

Previous successful attempts at improving memory through odors typically involved complex interventions with multiple daily exposures. If larger trials confirm the effectiveness of overnight olfactory enrichment, it could provide a less intrusive method to achieve similar cognitive benefits, as suggested by Vidya Kamath, a neuropsychologist at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, who was not part of the recent research.

However, several questions remain to be addressed in these larger trials. The recent study utilized readily available essential oils like rose and eucalyptus, but it's unclear whether any odor would yield the same results. The impact of an odor's characteristics, such as its pleasantness or unpleasantness to individuals, on cognitive gains is not well understood. Michał Pieniak, a psychology researcher at the University of Wroclaw in Poland, who has studied olfactory training, also highlights the role of novelty in the process.

Beyond stimulating the olfactory system, various interventions designed to enrich individuals' sensory environments, such as dancing, have been linked to cognitive improvements in older adults. Overnight odors offer a promising avenue for further exploration, but Pieniak advises caution to aromatherapy enthusiasts before rushing to buy diffusers. The results, though promising, are considered "preliminary" and should be replicated with a larger participant pool, according to Pieniak. Leon plans to conduct a more extensive study later this year, with the hope of eliminating any doubts about these findings. 

Our perspective on this study is entirely expected. We've been incorporating functional fragrances into our lives for more than a decade, and we are absolutely convinced that these scents significantly enhance our well-being. Whether it's the tranquility of hinoki oil for a restful night's sleep, the invigoration of bergamot for a refreshing morning wake-up, or a diverse range of other fragrances tailored to different daily activities, we've experienced the transformative impact firsthand.

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