Uzzano, A Medieval Village Atop the Pescia River Valley

Uzzano, A Medieval Village Atop the Pescia River Valley

Feb 23, 2023Anthony Tori

According to tradition, Uzzano has its roots in the Lombard era, although the name implies an earlier settlement. The medieval village stands atop the Pescia River valley and commands a prominent position in Valdinievole, with its striking illumination visible even at night. Despite its small size, Uzzano boasts a wealth of historical and artistic treasures. Its triangular urban plan is centered around the ancient fortress and the Archpriest Church of Saints Jacopo and Martino.

The Olive Oil Road

The Olive Oil Road of the Valdinievole Towns and Castles forms a dense network of municipal and local roads that interconnects major towns, small villages and castles. Among the most quintessentially Tuscan routes to explore is the Colli per Uzzano route, which links the historic center of Uzzano, the small hamlet of La Costa, and Pianacci, the highest point of the hilly region. Visitors can enjoy guided tours of these areas, as well as visit farms and taste local specialties at inns, tourist farms, and restaurants scattered throughout the region.

Our Roots

The village of Uzzano was where our grandfather, or "nonno," spent his early years. He and his siblings made a living by farming and selling their produce to nearby towns like Pescia. After enduring years of poverty and even dodging bullets from German soldiers during WWII, Ulilio left Italy and started a new generation in the United States. Upon visiting Uzzano and gaining deeper insight into our nonno's life, we were moved to create a fragrance as a tribute to the man who brought our family name to America. Learn more about the Uzzano fragrance and the man behind the scent.

Uzzano fragrance



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